Thursday, October 21, 2010

Top 100: Things Rylie is Thankful For

This is a guest post from my brother Rylie DeBurgh.  He is a wonderful younger brother.  Last night, during the last few hours of his 13th birthday, Rylie wrote down 100 things that he is thankful for.  Looking through this list made me laugh, (almost) cry, and just remember how much I love the guy that wrote it.  I'm not a perfect sister to him, and he's not perfect either, but recently I have truly seen God growing him into a young man who will follow Him.  I hope you enjoy this list anywhere near as much as I did. 

Love you, Rye!
1.  Los Mariachis
2.  Paper
3.  Dogs
4.  Sam
5.  Cards
6.  Ann Batikas
7.  Racine, WI
8.  Zelda
9.  Goldfish
10.  Origami
11.  Guitar
12.  Percy Jackson and the Olympians
13.  Thunderstorms
14.  The ocean
15.  Anthony Willems
16.  Ping-pong
17.  Pizza
18.  Cameras
19.  Toby
20.  Roller Skates
21.  Tae Kwon Do
22.  Toothpaste.
23.  Chipotle
24.  Sunday nights at Culver's
25.  Walt Disney
26.  Alex and Natasha Myers
27.  M. Night Shyamalan
28.  Sydney the Dachshund
29.  McCoy the Dachshund
30.  Super China Buffet
31.  RVs
32.  Art!
33.  Vertical Devotion
34.  The Game
35.  Trees
36.  Christmas
37.  Communication with my Master and Savior
38.  Hoodies
39.  The Newsboys
40.  The over 80s party
41.  Jubbeeeeee!
42.  Granddaddy's memory
43.  Books
44.  Cell phones
45.  Thanksgiving
46.  Little brown packages tied up with string
47.  Football on TV
48.  Alex and  Brett Harris
49.  :D Emoticons
50.  San Diego
51.  Billiards
52.  Swimming
53.  Calvin and Hobbes
54.  Lord of the Rings
55.  Clothes
56.  Snow
57.  Video Games
58.  Ernie the bird R.I.P.
59.  Campfires
60.  God's word
61.  peanuts
62.  Peanuts
63.  Fright Fest
64.  Cars
65.  Pikachu
66.  The colors red and green
67.  Sand
68.  The men's retreat
69.  Dan Cabush
70.  Steve Schulz
71.  The Chronicles of Narnia
72.  Mac n cheese
73.  Hugh Beresford
74.  Culver's
75.  Sprecher's rootbeer
76.  The Incredibles
77.  Switchfoot
78.  Carly
79.  Roller Hockey
80.  The skatepark
81.  Pete Miller
82.  Damian Acker
83.  The Mario theme song
84.  Hockey pucks
85.  Broomball
86.  Monk
87.  John Mark Goeke
88.  Mary Kullberg
89.  Fort
90.  My Lord Jesus Christ
91.  Nicole Kim   -------------\
92.  Brendon Kim------------   \
93.  Min Kim--------------------> they get their own
94.  Steve Kim-----------------/
95.  My mom
96.  My dad
97.  M.S. Youth Group
98.  R.B.C.
99.  Godly examples in my life
100.  The rest of my life as God continues to bless undeserving me.

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