Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Top 5: Evidences of Grace, Dave and Linda

  1. Wisdom
    Ace Westcomb is one of those people who has been in his ministry
    forever. He has at least 13 years of high school leadership.  But it isn't just the length of years that makes him a good leader. He has had a growing, thriving relationship with God for even longer, giving him a huge capacity for encouraging others and giving them godly advice.

  2. Example
    Young people like me need examples of godly lives lived out. Ace and Linda Westcomb are invaluable in that respect. Young adults need to see what a marriage that honors Christ looks like—one that has stood the test of time. We need to see people who love the church, love their kids, and endure in serving the Lord even when life gets tough. I see all these things in Ace and Linda.

  3. Serving others
    If you spend any amount of time at Racine Bible Church, you know that Linda Westcomb is hugely involved in ministry there. She is a crucial part of the framework that holds things together and keeps them running smoothly. If you ever happen to be in her office on a workday (which I have been) you will certainly find yourself wondering “How does she do it?” She will take multiple phone calls, make connections, send e-mails, arrange the church bulletin, figure out whose car is parked on the crosswalk in front of the door, and write down memos all while having an edifying conversation with you! Ace and Linda are serving machines.
  4. Care for others
    This is a blessing that I have experienced personally. My mom and dad were overseas for about three weeks this summer. While they were, Ace and Linda practically filled in for them as our parents. It's hard to explain if you've never felt this before, but I am not being too nice or exaggerating when I say that Ace and Linda
    were family to us. Being around them was just like being with adopted parents or grandparents. I saw a thousand times how much they really cared for our physical and spiritual well-being.

  5. Mentoring
    I have several friends at RBC who just so happen to be guys. And most of them also happen to be living, breathing testimonies to Ace Westcomb's faithful discipleship. A recent prayer request Ace shared with me included the names of no less than four sophomore and junior high school guys who he plans on meeting with
    every week.  As someone who knows these guys fairly well (and is closely related to one), I can't tell you how thankful I am that they get the opportunity to spend even 20 minutes with such a fantastic influence as Ace.


  1. Ace and Linda are the best, for real! Love those guys soo much.

  2. Yea for Ace and Linda, I am one who has come out from the mentorship of Linda. Thank you Linda.

  3. ACE...there's nobody like that guy!
