Saturday, November 13, 2010

Top 5: Evidences of Grace, Wayne and Carol

 Enthusiasm for spiritual things
1. There is one thing you will never hear at the end of a conversation with Wayne Beilgard. You will never, ever hear someone say, “That guy is really boring.” What is it that makes Wayne this way? Having an engaging personality helps, and and so does being willing to talk about other people (both true about Wayne). But the contagious excitement in conversations with Wayne goes beyond either of these things. With him, it's never boring because he's excited about God. He raves about what God is doing in other people's lives. He'll tell you what he sees God doing in your life—and just try to to tell me that doesn't make you excited by the time he's done! The joy of the Lord just seems to radiate from of the Beilgards, because they are genuinely thankful for what God has done. And they don't just thank the Giver of all good things. They bring everyone they know along with them, surrounding themselves with a crowd of thankful worshipers of Christ.
2. Every time I talk with Carol Beilgard, I am impressed with her straightforwardness. She isn't overbearing or rude, but she refuses to be fake. It is so refreshing to hear God's truth applied to your situation without cotton candy or bubble wrap. Carol tells it like it is. Besides this, she is honest about her own mistakes. Hearing Carol's personal testimony for the first time was impactful on my heart. She didn't spare the listeners from the truth of her own sinfulness--so she didn't keep us from the full weight of God's marvelous grace in her life. Carol's honesty allows her to be a vessel of God's grace and truth to everyone she speaks with.
3. The Beilgards give generously, as God has given to them. To illustrate this, let me tell you a little story that took place last Sunday night. Church was over, and everyone was leaving for the night. On my way out the door, I saw Wayne coming out of the church offices, putting a book in his bag. I asked him what it was. His face lit up and he told me how much he liked it. “Do you want one?” he asked. I said, “Are you serious?” He was, so one of my friends and I followed him into his office while he told us about the book, then took two copies off of his shelf and gave us each one. Three other girls meandered towards his office, and he gave two more of the books away. Now, this is all fairly understandable, since Wayne gets some books on the church's budget for the sole purpose of giving them away. But then, the 5th girl told Wayne she had already read the book he was giving. He showed her another one, and she already had that one at home, too. So Wayne said, “Just pick one off my shelf.” Now, I don't know about you, but I like the books I have! I have a small stash of my favorites, and I like to keep those off limits, if at all possible. But here Wayne opened up his entire bookshelf for someone to take from. What's more, he lamented that his favorite book was at home; he actually wanted to give her that one! Wayne has already enjoyed what his books have to offer—so he's willing to give them away. It's all so that God can bless someone else—even through the sacrifice of a favorite book.
This isn't just a one-time, isolated event. The Beilgards are giving people, period. You are far more likely to find Wayne and Carol spending their time and energy on serving others than on serving themselves.
4. Wayne and Carol are truly others focused. Last year, Carol found out she had some cancer. I remember being shocked by the news, and worried for her. I expected to express this in conversation the next time we talked. I should have known better. Carol wasn't interested in talking about herself. She refused to let even this serious trial in her personal life keep her from being truly selfless. In good times and in bad, her focus is on making other people see Jesus better. And if that means they see Carol less clearly, that's alright with her. I long to be like this!
5. Wayne and Carol beat about everyone I know when it comes to evangelism. Here's why: they love the lost more than they love themselves, and they love Jesus more than they love anyone else. Wayne and Carol have both endured persecution for being sold out for Christ. Have I? I've undoubtedly suffered less than they have, yet I worry far more. This is because I fail to see the eternal value of winning souls for Jesus. What could be more important than that? Wayne and Carol live this joyful calling every day, with a boldness I desperately want for myself. I am challenged and convicted by their example. But most of all, I praise God for His work in these two lives, for as they'd be the first to tell you, all glory goes to Him!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with everyone one of these points!! Wayne and Carol are the best.
