Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"To Die Is Gain"

Philippians 1:23 shows why dying is gain for Paul: "My desire is to depart [that is, to die] and be with Christ, for that is far better."  That is what death does: It takes us into more intimacy with Christ.  We depart, and we are with Christ, and that, Paul says, is gain.  And when you experience death this way, Paul says, you exalt Christ.  Experiencing Christ as gain in your dying magnifies Christ.  It is "far better" than living here.

Really?  Better than all the friends at school?  Better than falling in love?  Better than hugging your children?  Better than professional success?  Better than retirement and grandchildren?  Yes.  A thousand times better.

The single, all-embracing passion of my life [is] to magnify Christ in all things whether by life or death.

--John Piper.  Don't Waste Your Life.  Pg. 67-68

1 comment:

  1. Hey Carly...

    I didn't know you were a blogger! Thanks for your comment on my post - YES, God answered prayer in our group last night. N M and I have been praying, and we are seeing God work! He is High and Holy... His name is above every other name. His name will cause every knee to bow and every tongue to confess His Lordship one day! Who am I to be His slave? I am grace walking.

    Love you!
