Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lamp in a Dark Room

No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light.  For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.  Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.
--Luke 8:16-18

Do you go to a good, Bible teaching church like I do?  These verses hit people like us kind of hard.  Week in and week out, I am blessed with the privilege of sitting under God's word taught rightly.  Not only do I hear from His truth in Sunday morning sermons, but I have Sunday school and on top of that one to three weekly Bible studies where I am challenged by more mature believers.

If anyone in the world has been given much from the store of God's treasures, it is me.

Take care then, Carly, how you hear!

Am I a light shining brightly, passing on the deep truths I take in to other people?  Or am I merely concerned with my own life?  Do I internalize everything to the point that every study group I go to is just a chance for me to be fed?  Am I a sponge that never squeezes out the wealth of God's blessing to other needy people?

Don't be this way!  Be careful how you hear!  As you weekly enjoy God's word being fed to you, don't stop there.  Take it in and be encouraged.  But realize that God doesn't teach you just for you.  God wants His truth to spread to more people, like the lamp held high in the middle of a previously dark room.

Some ways to avoid being the jar that hides the light:

-If you have something to share in Bible study that you know would encourage somebody else, don't let shyness or nervousness keep you silent!  God wants other people to see His light through you.
-When you are with people who don't know Jesus, don't keep the Light of the world all to yourself!  Speak up.  God could change a life through you.
-When God blesses you with rich fellowship with Him, don't be the only one to benefit.  Tell your friends awesome things about God that He has shown you--so that they can be encouraged and so that God will be lifted higher in their eyes.

And here is the best part.  Unlike money or mints that vanish away when people mooch off you, God's truth actually multiplies when it is shared.  Telling someone God's truth will solidify it in your own heart.  There is a great irony in that teaching can be the best way to learn something yourself.

The more that you tell, the more that you have!  And the more that you have, this verse says, all the more will be given to you.  So shine the light of God's truth to everyone you know.

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